
Applied social psychology (Précis de psychologie sociale appliquée)

Pascal Lele: https://www.leslibraires.fr/livre/8506531-precis-de-psychologie-sociale-appliquee-pascal-lele--nouvelles-editions-numeriques-africaines-nena

After the subprime crisis: The new social partnership

Operational performance: reduction of losses, prevention of psychosocial risks and bonuses- Volume 1: Banks- Preface by Professor E. Fragnière (University of Geneva)

Pascal Lele: https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/34940

Industries: After the subprime crisis, the new social partnership. Volume 2

by Pascal Lele at P. Lang : https://www.lalibrairie.com/livres/apres-la-crise-des-subprimes-le-nouveau-partenariat-social-industries-vol--2_0-577011_9783034303392.html

Pascal LELE and Al.

Strengthening Value and Risk Culture Using a Real-time Logical Tool

Author: Simon Grima, Ph.D., Robert W. Klein, Ph.D., Ronald Zhao, Ph.D., Frank Bezzina, Ph.D. and Pascal Lélé, Ph.D.

Date Published: 1 May 2016



Coming soon (Awaiting publication : March 2021)

Pascal LELE and John P. Koeplin

Integrating Interdisciplinary Studies with the HCM Accounting Certificate to reach the milestone of finalizing post-crisis reforms (Basel III) considering the aggravating effect of the COVID-19 deficit” (John P. Koeplin, Ph.D and Pascal Lélé, PhD)

Industrial and Financial Performance in emerging markets (International symposia in economic theory and econometrics volume 28)

• Edited by William A. Barnett (University of Kansas, USA, and Center for Financial Stability, USA) and Bruno s. Serge (Harvard University, USA, and University of Messina, Italy).

• Emerald Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom – North America – Japan -India – Malaysia – China.
