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Through their June and October 2023 guidelines, FED and ECB have included banking risk management in the field of corporate accounting supporting the standard approach through the book we published in Switzerland in 2009 and 2010 in 1 volume for banks and 1 volume for industries and services (Peter Lang Publishing) which served as the basis for our peer-reviewed publications in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2023 and 2024 as well as the co-authored book that was published in the UK in March 2021.

• European Central Bank, October 2023: “CCR management framework requires a combination of risk management techniques from the credit, market, and operational risk disciplines”. In other words, Credit Risk Management (CRM) and CCR (counterparty credit risk) require the technical capacity of combination of corporate accounting risk management techniques (Management accounting or Cost accounting) from operational risk to reduce credit risk exposure 5Sound practices in counterparty credit risk governance and management).

• FED, June 2023: “Some banking organizations may form third-party relationships with new or novel structures and features – such as those observed in relationships with some financial technology (fintech) companies. Such relationships may involve the fintech company providing products or services with varying degrees of interaction with the banking organization’s customers. It is important for a banking organization to understand how the arrangement with a particular third party is structured so that the banking organization can assess the types and levels of risks posed and determine how to manage the third-party relationship accordingly”. (SR 23-4: Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management).


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