

 Become a certified HCMA

Introducing the HCM accounting (HCMA) Certificate Program

The HCM accounting (HCMA) is a Continuing Education Program certifying cross-cutting interaction skills of the CEO, CFO, HRM, OM and Operational units Heads to run business in real time based on the risk appetite threshold as an organizational team regardless of the total workforce.

• The program combines, each at its own pace, an online seminar with internal financial performance Problem Solving Process (PSP) workshops. The certificate is obtained in 90 days on the basis of the 1st reporting of the Economic Capital (EC) accounts. This is free cash flow attesting to the cross-cutting skills acquired by the internal team to process data on the added value of human capital to be provided to investors as an appendix to the governance report in return for variable salaries.

At the end of a quarter of learning by doing interaction, the company has the ability to provide taxes and shareholders with the two required reports:

1. Under the leadership of the CFO, as usually, the internal team plans, programs and monitors the performance of sales and services, the results of which are presented for GAAP reporting in the form of financial statements;

2. Under the leadership of the HRM the internal team plans, programs and manages the internal cross-cutting financial performance, the results of which are presented in the form of non-GAAP accounts supplementing the usual governance reports to adapt them to the provisions of the laws governing remuneration in the context of 100% LCR considering the aggravating effect of the COVID-19 deficit.

HRMs are aware that the processing of data on the added value of human capital impacting the financial performance of the company is their responsibility


Start your HCM Accounting (HCMA) Certificate Program journey today by connecting with HRM and the Employer to learn with the other members of the internal team.

The advantage of consultation is to make the employer aware of the cost-benefit for the company so that he pays for the certification of the internal team.


What you will learn ?

The HCM accounting certification program is divided into two levels:

• Course level 1 : Senior management level (CEO and Board of Directors) and
• Course level 2: Operational Management Level (CFO, HRM, OM and Heads of Operational Units)

Each level is focused on the one hand, on the webinar (Online seminar) for the theoretical knowledge to be acquired and on the other hand on the practical know-how tasks to be performed in the Workstation financial performance PSP (Problem Solving Process) workshop (learning by doing workshop at one's workstation) to run in real time with the other operational management levels as an organizational team based on the threshold risk appetite, regardless of the total workforce.

First, this program complements the expert skills of the business units (horizontal skills) to activate the operational interaction dynamics required for the real time feedback of internal financial performance:

• See for example in SOX Act, sections 404 (operational risk control), 302 (Financial reports and internal controls) and 409 (feedback in real time).

Second, the organization of the program of the certification program HCM Accounting in two levels meets the “Principles of sound management and monitoring of liquidity risk” of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (CBCB) of 2008 called “Financial Performance Management Sound Principles (FPM sound principles) which have been transposed into laws and regulations, in particular the labor code for collective performance and collective bargaining.

Basic sound principles of level 1 course:

It is the responsibility of senior management to manage liquidity risk, to develop a strategy, to set policies and practices that are appropriate to the set level of risk tolerance, and to ensure that bank (and risk counterparties) has sufficient liquidity. Senior management should carefully monitor the entity's liquidity indicators and report regularly to the board on this topic. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to review, at minimum annually, and approve the liquidity risk management strategy, policies and practices, to ensure that the senior management manages this risk (Principle 3).

Basic sound principles of level 2 course:

All entity should, for each of its important business lines (concerning the activities of balance sheet and off-balance sheet), take into account the costs, benefits and risks related to liquidity in all the process of pricing, result measurement and approval of new products, so that risk-taking incentives are matched for each line of business with the liquidity risk exposures that this line of business creates for the whole (Principle 4).

To learn more about key areas of studies, view the Internal Team Program - click here


Get an overview of your course

Senior management level HCMA course

Operational Management Level HCMA course


Integrating Interdisciplinary Studies with the HCM Accounting Certificate to reach the milestone of finalizing post-crisis reforms (Basel III) considering the aggravating effect of the COVID-19 deficit

Authors: John P. Koeplin, Ph.D. and Pascal Lélé, PhD.

Book Publication reference:
- Industrial and Financial Performance in emerging markets (International symposia in economic theory and econometrics volume 28)
- Edited by William A. Barnett (University of Kansas, USA, and Center for Financial Stability, USA) and Bruno s. Serge (Harvard University, USA, and University of Messina, Italy).
- Emerald Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom – North America – Japan -India – Malaysia – China.

B- SEMINAR Course level 2/Operational Management Level (CFO, HRM, OM and Heads of Operational Units)

Integrating Interdisciplinary Studies with the HCM Accounting Certificate to reach the milestone of finalizing post-crisis reforms (Basel III) considering the aggravating effect of the COVID-19 deficit

Authors: John P. Koeplin, Ph.D. and Pascal Lélé, PhD.

Book Publication reference:
- Industrial and Financial Performance in emerging markets (International symposia in economic theory and econometrics volume 28)
- Edited by William A. Barnett (University of Kansas, USA, and Center for Financial Stability, USA) and Bruno s. Serge (Harvard University, USA, and University of Messina, Italy).
- Emerald - Group Publishing Limited: United Kingdom – North America – Japan -India – Malaysia – China.


How much does it cost?
Number of people to be trained for an internal team
- Number of Managers (about 11: CEO, CFO, HRM and max. 8 OM).
- Number of team leaders or cash-generating units (1 for 20 employees).

From this, define your training forecasts:
• Number of Managers.
• Number of team leaders or cash-generating units.

Fees per person:
• $ 900 if you take the program from the HCM Accounting Academy website.
• If you book the program on a partner's website (Professional association, University or MBA school, see the conditions of the offer on that site.

Junior Auditor/Junior Chartered Accountant:
• Entry Level Auditors and junior Chartered Accountants, as well as MBA and EMBA students take the Certificate during their internship with the assigned business unit: their registration for the certificate is free.


Duration:  90 days at the rate of 2 hours per day = 180 hours.



Trainees’ registration - click here

The package of HCM accounting certification courses ordered by the employer is followed by the individual registration of the internal team members (Enroll Now).

How it works

Certification begins with the e-mail sending you your intranet access codes.

My paid HCMA course account

After purchasing a course, you can start and complete it by using the " My paid HCMA course account" link. The links will provide you with online course material, seminar papers validated and published by the world scientific community for the summary exercise to be done at your own pace for the theoretical part of the Certificate and access codes to the learning by doing workshops at your workstation in interaction with other workstations. These are Financial Performance Problem Solving Processes (PSPs) for which you are prompted to process operational risk loss mitigation data required for the Intranet interaction module of your workstation generating the economic capital (EC) of the company and variable salary compensation.

Questions about HCM Accounting Academy ? 

 Visit the link “What we do’’