
The 90 days of certifying training for the internal operational management team through online seminars and learning-by-doing workshops at their workstation end with reporting attesting to the financial performance of a quarter of the skills of cross-cutting interaction acquired.

Therefore, the company has the capacity to provide taxes and shareholders with the two required reports:

1. Under the leadership of the CFO, as usually, the internal team plans, programs and monitors the performance of sales and services, the results of which are presented for GAAP reporting in the form of financial statements;

2. Under the leadership of the HRM the internal team plans, programs and manages the internal cross-cutting financial performance, the results of which are presented in the form of non-GAAP accounts supplementing the usual governance reports to adapt them to the provisions of the laws governing remuneration in the context of 100% LCR considering the aggravating effect of the COVID-19 deficit